Saturday, July 12, 2008


We have now arrived to the biggest city in Ecuador, Guayaquil...named after the indigenous King Guaya and his wife Quill, who he drowned beofre letting the conquistadors get their hands on her...and then drowned himself. so i guess they made a citty off of that! just kidding. The city is based around the River Guayas that meets up with the pacific. It´s pretty freakin hot and muggy, nothing like the sierra, quito, where it´s quite cool and dry. Ecuador definitely has a plethera of environments, all in this tiny country.
We are staying here with friends of oen of Julie´s friends from the Galapagos. It´s a little bachelor pad filled with 4 guys all from teh Galapagos, studying here, civil engineering. THere are really nice and are showing us around Guayaquil.
There was a project here called Malecon 2000, a gigantic boardwark that runs up and down the rio guayas- it´s really nice. The city is also light up at night and it is really bueatiful. You can climb up a big hill and reach a light house, but on the way the 444 steps are filled with bars, discotecas (dancing), and´s really a cool set up.
TOday we went to market, a costco sized building with an open air market filled with individual vendors- fruits, vegetables, whole pigs, chickens, fish...everything, quite a sight to see. We plan to explore a good chuck on Guayaquil tonight with our friends and check out the famous night life.
p.s. we might have a somewhat permanent address coming up at our volunteer place

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