Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nothing like seeing an ol friend

This past weekend, a friend from Minneapolis came to visit me for the weekend. Granted Minneapolis is -10 degrees right now, so she didn't mind coming and soaking up the rays in 70 and sunny San Diego. So Beth was sweet enough to come out and visit. I met Beth in Ecuador/Peru, and 'used' her as my disguise gringa while crossing the border from Ecuador to Peru. Mind you, I wasn't the most approachable person at the time as I was trying to devise a reason as to why I'd overstayed my visa by nearly 2 months. While being preoccupied with possibly getting slapped with a huge fine, or possibly getting deported or thrown in Ecuadorian jail, I eventually talked to the other American later after I skated my way out of my visa predicament. Long story short, Beth and I ended up traveling for a couple months togther in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Things we did in that time included; hitchiking for 7 days straight in semi's, renting beach bungalows for a week, drinking lots of mate, touring the salt flats, partying in Buenos Aires, and finally coming to terms that we are leaving that awesome continent and flying home together. 

Beth and Kristin keeping it CLASSY in Bolivia highlands
Beth, Michelle and I hanging with 50 of our closest Bolivian army friends. Totally normal.

Party Carnaval

Thanks to Beth, the idea of going to SouthEast Asia was opened up to me. She had traveled to those countries for 6 months 'back in the day' - really not that long ago. So while she was out we laughed about past memories, hung out with family and friends, did a classy tour of classy san diego, and shared ideas on future ones.

Southeast Asia sounds more and more exciting. Some things she shared;

-The most beautiful beaches, Thailand
-Cheap travel and great parties in Laos
-Ruins worth spending days at in Cambodia
-Cheap dive certification on the islands
-Moto bike tours of Vietnam
-Ping pong shows fo' sho' (shout out Cunninghams!)
And a bunch more

Beth and I down in Old Town SD reminiscing with South America pics
 All in all had a great time with my friend. She said it, you meet friends in the strangest places, and I agree! And hopefully I'll see her in a couple of months in Malaysia maybe? Thanks Beth!

...Southeast Asia here I come. 15 days left!!! ...


  1. Ah! I can't wait to follow along with your adventures!

  2. Thanks Kacey, can't wait either!
    I enjoy reading your adventures too.

  3. WOW.. I feel like a celebrity. If not SE Asia Kristin we will always have Australia, oh and soon to come New Orleans... Classy!


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